Oatman Flats Ranch and Oatman Farms, our branded product company, are committed to revitalizing and sustaining family farms in hotter and drier environments by serving as a model that others can replicate. In an effort to adapt to our changing world, the farm is transitioning from practices that deplete and despoil the land to those that heal and restore it, and from approaches that ignore the cultural historical contexts of farms to those that embrace and celebrate them. In so doing, Dax honors his ancestors and the indigenous inhabitants who preceded them, and aims to bequeath to future generations, a resilient and thriving oasis in the desert. It’s hard to imagine a more challenging place to grow a large-scale farm. And yet, Oatman Flats Ranch’s team has endeavored to combine ancient traditional knowledge and cutting edge agro-ecological principles to restore fertility to the farm’s soils, while also replenishing water resources and boosting soil carbon sequestration. The farm is a case study of agricultural methods for arid lands that may sustain healthy ecosystems, including people, crops and domesticated animals, as well as native flora and fauna.
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